“The fact that the person you’re helping does not see what you see and [that their] belief cannot be changed is all you need to know to move forward.” – Xavier Amador

Created by Dr. Xavier Amador, clinical psychologist and brother of someone who lived with unusual experiences, the LEAP Method (Listen-Empathize-Agree-Partner) is an evidence-based communication framework that aims to help partner with people living with altered realities who do not understand that their realities are different than that of their dominant society1.

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  • Use active listening to understand their perspective, hopes and goals, and emotions.
  • Reflect back what you’ve heard without judgment, reactions, or contradictions. 
  • Put yourself in their shoes and empathize with the emotions that they are experiencing. 
  • Do not pretend that you went through what they are if you have not.
  • Focus on areas, hopes, and goals that you and the individual share.
  • Do not educate them on psychology, biology, or your own reality.
  • Move towards working on shared goals and desires that you can partner on.
  • Delay giving hurtful or contradicting opinions.
  • Redirect their questions towards something you two can agree and work on together.
  • Example: “I promise to answer your question, but can I first ask about ___”
  • Share your opinion in a way that respects their perspective and reality.
  • Ask permission to share your opinion before saying it.


The 3 As to Giving Contrary Opinions2

  • Apologize (for your opinion’s emotional impact)
  • Acknowledge (that you might be wrong)
  • Agree (to disagree)
  • Apologize for actions or conversations that makes the other person feel disrespected, disappointed, or frustrating to them.


“Readers will find expanded guidance on how to learn and use LEAP. New advice, relying on lessons learned from tens of thousands of LEAP seminar participants, is given to help readers quickly and effectively use Dr. Amador’s method for helping someone accept treatment”3

“This book was written because countless readers of I am Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help! have told me that LEAP has worked for them to repair relationships, but they still stumble and don’t know how to get to the ‘Partner’ phase”4.

“Dr. Xavier Amador … shows you how to break nearly any impasse and persuade your opponent — for that’s what people become when you’ve reached an impasse — to give you what you need”5.